Write a doc in docbook XML

Antoine Ginies (aginies- - ateuh - -mandriva.com )


Revision History
Revision 0.601/2006ag
update, more information and link
Revision 0.5Novembre 2005ag
validation w3c
Revision 0.4Décembre 2004ag
validation w3c
Revision 0.119 fevrier 2002ag
first release

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Goal of this this document ?
1.2. Why ?
1.3. Needed software
1.4. Bugs, mistake
2. listitem, orderlist
2.1. listitem tag
2.2. orderlist tag
2.3. programlisting
3. external link, graphics
3.1. ulink tag
3.2. figure tag
3.3. systemitem tag
3.4. email tag
3.5. programlisting
4. text
4.1. emphasis tag
4.1.1. emphasis role=bold
4.1.2. emphasis role=italicg
4.2. screen tag
4.3. command tag
4.4. userinput tag
4.5. blockquote tag
4.6. footnote tag
4.7. programlisting tag
4.8. programlisting
5. Section
5.1. sect1 tag
5.1.1. sect2 tag tag: sect3 plop again sect3
5.2. programlisting
6. table tag
6.1. HOW to create table
6.2. sgml program listing
7. xref: link to a chapter
7.1. xref tag
7.2. code de la page
8. Emacs configuration
8.1. shortcut to edit .sgml files
8.2. dot.emacs file
9. Howto obtain this HOWTO ?
9.2. style.css file
9.3. Custom HTML output
9.4. Makefile

List of Figures

3.1. docbook png:
3.2. another one:

List of Tables

6.1. table with data